All strategic positions in the
corrupt and murderous ruling elites -- the Triad princelings ruling
the Zionist merchant banking families, the network of organized crime
working through freemasonry and other secret socities. 9-11 was a joint
Chinese-Israeli- Private operation involving the infiltration of the
people represent the long line of powers comprising the "old world order"
that the American Revolution of 1776 was fought to free people from.
But from the beginning of the US Constitution and the first political "boss"
Alexander Hamilton the old order has sought to regain its control through
subversion -- especially through the control of the money system.
I have no doubt that the next president (unless it is Ron Paul) will work to
continue the destruction of the American people, their consititution, their
way of life which the soi-disant global aristocracy begruges us.
The Chinese dictators know that their will never be secure as long as the
idea of freedom remains in the world. The Zionist merchant bankers know
that as long as the American middle-class exists -- people who know too much
about the money power's profiting role in the world's great wars,
revolutions and economic calamities -- they cannot be secure in their
domination of the world. And so they both mean to kill us -- after first
destroying us economically (look around you) and militarily (urban warfare
by our soldiers against all Islam -- and infiltration of our military
command by secretly anti-American agents of Israel) and psychologically
(check the media) -- so that our conquest, mass murder (the way the Iraqi
intelligencia are being murdered by Mossad hit men) and flooding of the by a
Babel of ignorant foreigners (most Mexicans in the US are simply stupid
led-by-the-nose Marxists in their opposition to globalism if they have any
political awareness at all -- absolutely no idea of who Jefferson was or
how he differs from Bush-Clinton -- much less who Ron Paul is and what he
stands for.
This is the one reality I've been waking up to every morning. I've known if
for years. I get worn out saying it. How often should I say it? I know I
have not said it enough. Let me say it again: Both political parties are
pushing candidates who are part of an ongoing plot of subversion -- their
goal is to overthrow the American people and the type of goverment they
believe in -- believe in but have not enjoyed since the 1920's and a little
bit in the late 1940's up to the election of Eisenhower and the fall of Joe
McCarthy (who was right about everything , as it turns out)
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